about andreas hoessli

born in Zurich, Swiss and Italian nationality. Studied sociology and social & economic history in Zurich and Paris. Post Graduate Studies in Warsaw. PhD.
He worked as a journalist and Eastern Europe correspondent for Swiss newspapers (Tages-Anzeiger, Das Magazin, Weltwoche, Hébdo, Basler Zeitung) and radio (DRS, Deutschlandfunk).

He has been a reporter and journalist for Swiss Public Television SRG since 1985. Since 1995 he is an independant documentary film director and occasionally works as reporter for Swiss TV.

Award winner International Film- and TV-Festival New York. Peace Film Prize Berlin Filmfestival1996. Documentary Award Valladolid Film Festival, 1996. Nomination Best Swiss Film 2003.


Documentary films. Research, script, direction by Andreas Hoessli:

1987 HIDDEN TRACES (VERWISCHTE SPUREN). Switzerland and the Algerian war. TV-feature, a production for DRS. 54′.

1991 THE LAST HUNT (DIE LETZTE JAGD). Research on Nicolae Ceausescu. Including footage of the Dictator’s secret private film archive. Co-author Sabine Gisiger. A production for Swiss Public Television, 55′.
Award: International Film- and TV-Festival New York, 1991.

1995 DEVILS DON’T DREAM – RESEARCH ON JACOBO ARBENZ GUZMÁN. A research on the former Guatemalan President overthrown in 1954. Documentary film, 90′, 16mm. A production by Espaces Film, 1995.
Awards: Peace Film Prize Berlin Film Festival 1996, Documentary Award Valladolid Film Festival, 1996.

1997 NEWS FROM THE UNDERGROUND, Jan Karski, Rudolf Vrba, Gerhart Riegner – three men trying to convince the world of the existence of the death camps. A production for Format NZZ, 55′, Beta.
Also on 35mm. Released at the Berlin Film Festival 1998.

2002 EPOCA – THE MAKING OF HISTORY. “Rigorous, lovingly crafted meditation on the elusiveness and illusory nature of truth in the historical record”. (Ken Eisner, Variety) Co-author Isabella Huser. A production by Espaces Film, 91′, 35mm, Dolby SR. International premiere at the Berlin Film Festival 2002. Nomination Best Swiss Film 2003.

2003 WALL STREET. TV-feature shot in January and Septemer 03 at the New York Stock Exchange, New York Mercantile Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, on the trading floors of Bear Stearns and UBS in Stamford. New York. Release winter 2003/2004. A production by Espaces Film, Zürich, 2004.

2006 SWISS SANS PAPIERS. A TV- documentary about undocumented migrants in Switzerland. A production by Espaces Film, 2006.


Reports for tv-programs by Andreas Hoessli

(a selection on international topics):
1985 Trust Group. Portrait of a dissident group in Moscow, 10′.

1988 To be young in Jarocin, Poland. 18′.

1990 and 91, reports from Romania:
The city of Iasi in the first week after the overthrow of the dictator, Ceausescu, 20′. The National Library burnt out. 10′. The forgotten children: Children with AIDS. 15′. Children on sale, 20′.

1991 A trip home to Kosovo: Young men working abroad – travelling home in the first year of the war. 25′.
1991 A report from Pakrac, Yugoslavia. 15′.
1991 Reports from the Golf war: Norfolk, 15′. Deserters 10′.

1992 Andalusia and the discovery of America (co-author A. Friedli), 45′.

1993 Arson attacks against Turks in Mölln, Germany, 15′.
1993 A report from the closed border between Greece and Macedonia, 20′.

1994 Chiapas, the revolt in Mexico, 20′.
1994 A new nation. Expulsions in Split, Croatia, 15′.

1995 The second burial of the President. Former president Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán rehabilitated in Guatemala. 10′.

1996 War Tribunal. Richard Goldstone, the first Chief Prosecutor in Den Haag, 18′.
1996 1000 x HIROSHIMA, a report on the Marshall Islands and the Enewetak Atoll, where the first hydrogen bomb was tested in 1952. 30′.

2001 Jedwabne. A forgotten massacre. Polish jews killed in Eastern Poland by a Polish mob, in 1941. 15′.

2002 Slavery Case, USA, 15′.

2003 two short films on the occasion of the 50 years jubilee of Swiss television. Topics: Kennedy und Watergate on Swiss tv. 2 x 12′.

2004 Photosuisse. A short film about the photographer Michael von Graffenried. Produced by Espaces Film for Swiss Television/SRG idée suisse, 12′.

2005 Designsuisse. A short film about the designer Joerg Zintzmeyer. Produced by Espaces Film Swiss Television/SRG idée suisse, 12′.

2006 Pyongyang diary. A personal film about a journey to North Corea, 10′, Swiss Public Television.